That final joke just came so completely out of the blue! The music and the pacing was great, but the graphics could have been a little more polished, though the style is nice. I that alien alphabet from Commander Keen?
That final joke just came so completely out of the blue! The music and the pacing was great, but the graphics could have been a little more polished, though the style is nice. I that alien alphabet from Commander Keen?
Hello, Ola!
I see you've finally made it to Newgrounds; took you long enough. ;p
What can I say that I haven't said already on your forum? Your skills in creating landscapes of all types are incredible, as is your structuring the movie to the music so perfectly, but the character designs are more mixed. Whereas the creatures in the woods, the horse and the dog are very well done, Nim himself doesn't look so polished (and I'm sorry, but he reminds me uncomfortably of Caillou when he has his hat off); the placement of the mouth, nose and eyes is just not very realistic and out of character with the rest of the flash. There's also the problem of scale (giant vs. Nim) and how during the beautiful sunrise at the end of the flash the sky doesn't actually turn blue.
All of these things certainly don't stop this flash from being my favourite on Newgrounds!
P.S. You may want to add a warning at the beginning of your introduction that this flash isn't for people with short attention spans (I have a feeling that Gooberstory's ratings will suffer eventually because of this).
Take care!
No deep meaning
just a funny and well animated flash. The music is certainly not bad but it could use a bit more dynamic variety. The animation was plain awesome. Even the low frame rate and lack of color didn't matter that much!
First of all, this movie doesn't play correctly on my computer because the resolution is bigger than my desktop resolution (800x600). Still, it's a fun romp. The graphics are obviously rushed, and sometimes it seemed like it was going nowhere, but there were some highly creative moments in there (the attack of the armchair which turns into a car and how the sword turns into those little scissors that ignite it... seriously, you have some strange dreams ;).
I'm glad to hear that this won't be your last movie.
Well done.
A nice story; I like how you start it out small and it grows bigger and bigger. The art is good, the character voices are better than last time (though they still need some work, especially the girl), and the music is good when it's there. I think you need more of that symphonic melody-driven music, though, like in "Prowlies".
I think you need to flesh out the character of the girl a little more because she's not that likeable right now; she has that constant I'm-better-than-you frown on her face that really doesn't appeal that much to me.
Also, that secret tunnel seems like quite an obvious weakness; how come the girl is the only one who knows about it? It's not even concealed very well... I see a plot hole coming up. ;)
Not bad, not bad
Although I didn't find it THAT funny, the animation was good and I liked how you synched everything up to the music. Good job, overall.
Awesome, simply awesome!
I'm one of those people who don't think that more violence equals a higher score, but this flash was so incredible in style, pacing, sound and graphics that I'm giving it a 9/10, and it only missed getting a 10/10 because in a few parts I wasn't exactly sure what was going on. It might become more clear if I watched it again, though.
This is what a good fight movie should be, imo, not stuff like bunnykill! Great job, and I look forward to your future submissions! This flash is going into my favourites... :)
A few comments.
I was wondering when you'd make an actual episode with Holiday Super Friends! To be honest, I much preffered the theme song that you had in the last flash (the one that introduced them); you could have recycled it in this flash and others because it was GREAT; it introduced all of the main characters, which is something that this one failed to do, and it sounded cooler overall.
The animation was great, although incredibly choppy. The humour was pretty good, although I'm sure that you can make it much better; there are SO many possibilities for jokes here that it seemed to me like you missed quite a few obvious targets (maybe you should do a little more research next time; your flash will be the funnier for it).
My main problem with the flash were the voices, because quite a lot of the time they were very hard to make out. I definitely wish that you had added an option for subtitles (can you still do this?).
I hope you continue with this if you ever get some time to make another one because you have a lot of talent.
Feel free to PM me if you want to see the scores to any of my music.
Toronto, ON
Joined on 4/6/04