I'm impressed! Couldn't you email the webmaster of Newgrounds and ask for special permission and let him manually upload it on here? It may be worth a try; there are a few files on Newgrounds that are over 5mb that were submitted on the request of the authors (look at Nim's Winter Tale or Prowlies at the River) - a few are even over 6mb. I don't know if it'll be accepted, but the image quality of the file on your website is a lot more impressive.
Anyway, what a great style! Great concept too, although I do wish it could've been a little bit longer or more polished. Still, this must've taken a huge amount of work! How did you do it exactly? Maybe you could tell us in your comments... did you actually film it in 3-D or was that done on computer somehow?
The sounds were also spot-on, except in the beginning the sound of the guy on the bycicle was a little too repetitive I thought - I could've sworn it was the same sound clip playing over and over...