As much as I love most of your work, this joke is so old that it's really anticlimatic. By far your best moment in humour was in "The Performance Artist", where the humour was a lot more subtle than it was here and most of the jokes were mentioned in passing and not dwelled on (which I think makes them a lot funnier than when it's really obvious that there's a lead-up to them). Your graphics and sound are excellent, but I think you need to find that strain of humour that you had in "The Performance Artist" again and apply it to a different topic, because quite frankly it's a lot funnier when the joke isn't the entire raison d'etre for the flash's existence (in "The Performance Artist", the flash pretends to be a serious take on the subject, which makes the humour when it does come a lot more unexpected and funnier).
I still liked a lot of things about this (the sleeping seniors were great), but the humour factor was really missing a lot of the time.