it's an interesting film, Kol-belov. The graphical direction is very stylish, and the direction felt like it had purpose. There were a few instances where I felt that you held a scene for too long, though: when you were circling between the Indians was one, and there were a couple others.
Unfortunately, I just couldn't follow the storyline, and I occasionally I felt that I was just seeing random images. Though I know that you wouldn't do that. MERGAN's post below cleared up a few things, but I still wouldn't say that the symbolism is very obvious.
I think that "Bankomat" was your most understandable film to date. One area to work on would be to make your metaphors more obvious, as they were in "Bankomat", so that more people can follow your films. After all, a lot of these "10s" here are from people who had no idea what your film was about...
Also... I don't know if you read these reviews, but if you do, just a question: what was your intention in making this film? What were you trying to show about virus-creators?