Heh, I liked this better than the scientists one
Good graphics, good voices (the voice for God was better than in the other one), and good music.
I like this one better because this one is just a funny joke, not a joke with an agenda to discredit a group of people as the scientists flash was. This one's funny whatever religion or philosophy you happen to belong to - all it requires is an understanding of the English language.
I don't think that the scriptures at the beginning really added anything to the film - I realize that being religious you felt you had to put them in to "spread the word", but objectively speaking their content didn't have a lot to do with the film itself (Christ is never mentioned in the actual film, only God).
Pretty good, overall.
This next section is just for the author, the actual review is now finished.
Your response to my previous review to "God & the Scientists" didn't make any sense to me - could you please explain what you wanted to say?
"Define what is funny and why we laugh?"
Why should I? What does that have to do with anything? And why ask me questions that are so vague that they don't have an answer? Do you want to know the chemical processes behind laughter, the evolutionary reasons, or what?
"Why is it a joke to humble Scientists like the way I portrayed it? Ultimately it's not."
Now you seem to be contradicting yourself; "God & the Scientists" was clearly meant to be funny by you.
"Even in a Christian perspective, this is a very serious case where, not just scientists, but a lot of people in general just don't humble themselves enough to accept particular defeats in their lives."
I really don't understand what you were trying to say here - could you please explain? Were you trying to say that it is your opinion that in refusing to follow Christianity I am refusing to accept that I SHOULD follow it (as if I secretly actually believe that it is correct)? If that's what it is, that seems rather smugly disrespectfull on your part. If that's NOT what you meant, you must still admit that it is often a very good thing that people DON'T just "accept particular defeats in their lives", and fight for what they believe is right. Slavery would still be around today if everybody just accepted the defeats in their lives. In fact, this whole "just accept that life sucks" business is how kings and clergy in Europe kept the population under control, poor, and uneducated in the Middle Ages. We can all agree that the European Middle Ages is by and large not a period of history that we should be proud of, can't we?
Finally, just another thing I noticed from some of your comments - you often give "love" as proof that evolution is false, defining it as some magic undefinable thing. But you should know that love has been analyzed and the causes (chemicals, as always) have been found. The February 2006 National Geographic issue has a very nice article on the chemistry behind love. The interactions between the chemicals in your body are incredibly complicated, but complicated things do not have to be explained by supernaturalism, and should not be listed as PROOF of supernaturalism either. But anyway, I'll stop now, because to be honest I don't understand what "supernaturalism" actually means. From what I can see, saying that something was caused by supernatural causes is just a different way of saying "we don't know what caused it".