Excellent animation
Yeah, I can only imagine how long that would've taken to draw... this was a really nice short animation, rather funny and skillfully made.
I especially liked how well it went with the music - how, for example, when the music played quieter you switched it to showing the OUTSIDE of the house. The fly was rather cute, and everything was skillfully animated.
I'm not as enthusiastic about the style, mainly because I don't really like this form of anime character drawing (especially how the faces look from the side). Still, that's my own personal opinion, I won't hold it against you (too much ;), and I realize that most people love it in any case so I'm in the minority.
A week ago I might've given this a "9", but my grading criteria has completely changed after watching Alek Wasilewski's masterpiece "Hanged Man's Elegy" - it really raised the bar. So I'm giving this an "8" - I realize that it's very well-done for what it is, but it doesn't aspire to anything as great, and (I'm sorry, and I know I'll get thrashed to bits for saying this) I don't believe that it deserves a score .37 higher than that phenomenal flash.
So I'm giving this an "8" - well-made, well-realized, and entertaining, but in the end not belonging to the higher realm of art.