Unlike the 2 below, I'll try...
...to leave a balanced review.
You have quite an eclectic mix of styles here. Although by themselves any of the different sections are quite good, they are frankly not integrated very well at all, with no transition from one style to another.
At first you have this nice plucked violin/cello duet, then it sounds a bit like the Braveheart soundtrack a little after the beginning there... and then you have this weird brass/bagpipe thing, a flute/woodwinds section, etc. I would have very much liked to have heard each style as a natural progression from the previous, or at least for there to be some kind of overlap. The plucked string solo at the beginning could have easily been continued and merged into what follows. Also, even if a particular style is subdued, some elements from it should make way into the parts that follow (in subtle ways like similar harmonies, rhythms, etc) - things like that give a piece cohesiveness.
This is why I gave you only a "6" for diversity, despite the wide range of the styles - the lack of integration.
Another thing that marked down my score is that the song had no real ending, and it doesn't really work as a loop either because one can tell quite easily that the loop has ended.
The individual sections of your piece would, if developed, have easily earned an "8" or a "9" from me. However, this is one case where the finished product is clearly less than the sum of its parts.
P.S. I got hit by the ZeroVoter guy too, but somehow I think that he may be a guy pulling a stunt to draw attention to the audio portal's complete lack of the review rating system that the flash portal has, and the consequent problems. See my post in the Audio forum. So, strangely enough, this may actually turn out to be a good thing. Maybe, just maybe, the leaders of the site will implement the same review rating mechanism that is employed in the flash portal - the audio portal has a much bigger review problem, after all.